In the year 2017 Ethics Review Committee of the KIU was established to help the researchers in promoting and adhering to ethical principles in research, including obtaining ethical clearance for the research projects.
Ethics Review Committee provides ethical review with accordance and adheres to the guidelines of the Forum of Ethics Review Committees in Sri Lanka (FERCSL) and other relevant national and international legislations and guidelines.
The committee has been formulated in accordance with the by –laws of KIU and functions under the supervision of the Vice Chancellor who takes decisions in accordance with the advice and recommendations of the Senate. Ethics Review Committee members are appointed by the Vice Chancellor upon recommendations of the Senate and at present the committee is consisting of an expert external and internal academic professional representing different sectors. The committee has developed standard operating procedures (SOPs) in accordance with the guidelines of FERCSL.
ERC comprises of the following;
Self – funded Rs 5000/= (per proposal)
The applicant shall pay the stipulated fee to the KIU accounts department and shall submit the application along with the payment receipt for review by the ERC.
Ethics Review Committee,
Tel: +94 (0)11 2741 878 Ext.